Making Yellowfin Tuna HG Product for New Tuna Fish Factory | Yellowfin Tuna Factory, Indonesia Tuna Factory, Tuna Dry Fish, Yellowfin Tuna Supplier Malaysia

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Making Yellowfin Tuna HG Product for New Tuna Fish Factory

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Making Yellowfin Tuna HG Product for New Tuna Fish Factory

If you want to be a tuna fish factory, then you might want to consider making yellowfin tuna HG product to be sold to your customer. As a new factory, you might not have a lot of resource and worker to be able to create other type of tuna product for your customer. That is why, it is better for you to choose easy to make product that you can complete only by doing simple procedure to create it. Of course, you should also create product that will be purchased by a lot of customer so you can also gain some profit from it.
New Factory Making High Quality Yellowfin Tuna HG Product
With all of those considerations, Yellowfin Tuna HG is the best product that you can try to produce. Especially since there is not much that you need to do to make this product, thus it is quite easy to create. All you need to do is to ensure that the yellow fin tuna fish you use to create the product has high quality since the quality of your product will highly depends on it. So even though you are new in tuna factory industry, but you should still know how to get high quality yellow fin tuna fish for your tuna factory.
Relax; to be able to get high quality yellow fin tuna fish for your tuna factory, all you need to do is to search experienced fisher that able to catch the tuna fish for your factory. However, they should also know thing that is important to be done to the yellow fin tuna fish so it will have high quality meat. And that thing is the bleeding process which needs to be done as fast as possible right after the yellow fin tuna fish is caught by the fisher.
The reason why this bleeding process is able to create high quality meat on the yellow fin tuna fish is because with this process, the body temperature of the fish will come down. Thus when the yellow fin tuna fish is stored with this body temperature, then the meat will not get spoiled easier. Furthermore doing this bleeding process is actually also increasing the quality of the meat itself, thus having this process done to the yellow fin tuna fish is very important for the quality of yellowfin tuna HG product you will create later at your factory.
Also make sure that the fisher will chill the yellow fin tuna fish they caught in the boat chiller while delivered to your factory since it will take quite a long time for the boat to arrive at your factory. After the yellow fin tuna fish arrive in your factory, now it is your time to ensure the procedure done to the fish is correct so you can create high quality product. do not worry since not many things that need to be done to create the yellowfin tuna HG product you want to produce in your factory.
The process that you need to do to the gill and gutted process which done to clean the yellow fin tuna fish so it will not spoiled easier. This kind of process can be done by minimum number of workers thus the product is suitable for new tuna factory like yours that does not have many workers yet. Do not forget that your worker will also need to completely remove the head part of the yellow fin tuna fish since in this product the head is not needed. Those are the only things that your workers need to do to create this yellowfin tuna HG product.
The last process that needs to be done to complete the making process of this product does not need worker to do it. Since this process will be done by machine, then your worker only needs to enter the yellow fin tuna fish that has been cleaned before into the machine. The machine will then freeze the yellow fin tuna fish on temperature under minus forty degree Celsius so the meat quality can be preserved. With this last process, your product is complete and ready to be taken out from your factory. All you need to do now is to market your yellowfin tuna HG product to your customer and gain profits.


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